MLO | G.O.M. Styling Showcase Interior
MLO | G.O.M. Styling Showcase Interior
MLO | G.O.M. Styling Showcase Interior
Map Features:
-Fully functional MLO.
-Custom Textures.
-Custom Lighting.
-Custom (Creator) Logo Picture Frame
-Edited vertex paint to allow for Door's to not glow.
-Works well and Tested with Stock Graphics, Visual V, Quant V, NVE [Natural Vision Evolved], And Quant V + NVE Combined
- NOTE: After Purchase Please CREATE A TICKET in my server - > Discord This is so that I can replace the Change Me sign with your Logo! (Or Remove it) if you dont want it, If you do not like how empty this is I can also help with that! Just create a ticket!
Created by: GOM
Idea by: BaddBloodCustoms
Uploaded by: GOM
Sold by: GOM